171: 5 Steps to Reduce Clutter and Live Simply for Peace of Mind


Everyone is gearing up for the new year.  You can practically hear the resolutions being thought out.  In keeping with that I want to spend the next ten days drilling down into the top ten things you can do to make 2015 absolutely amazing.

Today is going to be a great start; getting rid of clutter.  It is seemingly benign.  However, I would contend that the disarray in your house leaves a mark of stress upon you.  Listen to five ways to get rid of it once and for all and regain peace of mind

Quote of the Day

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated" - Confucius

Topics Discussed

  • The reasons you buy things
  • Why donating is such a good idea
  • How things take up our energy
  • A reading of Charles Dickens Christmas Carol by Thom Walters


The Millionaire Next Door

Question of the Day

What are three things in your house that you have not used in over a year?  Who could benefit from them more?

Action of the Season

Go through one room of your house and box up everything you haven't used in a year and donate it.


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