172: Cultivating Relationships That Help You Grow


Without a doubt the most important thing you can do to make the new year and the rest of your life amazing, is to create relationships that are positive.  At the same time send the negative people in your life on their way.

I couldn't be more adamant about saying goodbye to the people in your life who are negative.  You owe it to yourself to be surrounded by upbeat, positive people.

Listen to today's episode to learn the types of negative people to avoid and get rid of while creating enriching relationships

Quote of the Day

"Birds of a feather flock together" - Unknown

Topics Discussed

  • The 4 types of negative people
  • How to build positive relationships
  • Why its important to send negative people out of your life
  • A reading of Charles Dickens Christmas Carol by Thom Walters

Question of the Day

Do all the people in your life add to your life?

Action of the Season

Create a list of all your friends and determine which ones are positive influences in your life and which are negative


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