2086: Forrest Rivers: Author of Humanity's Spiritual Rebirth

Forrest Rivers has become a good friend of mine. So when his publicist sent me an email to have him on the show I jumped at the chance. He is a man who truly sees thing in such a wonderfully rich way. He drops the labels of good and bad, and helps us see every moment as an opportunity to grow, to understand “ourselves” on a deeper level. Yeah, you can imagine why I have love and respect for him. Today we talk about the ways we as a planet can grow through seemingly challenging circumstances.

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Tricycle: Warriors of the Mind: Overcoming Our Fear of Suffering by Chakung Wangdrak

I am very happy to be back on the air after a three week hiatus. The longest one in the 10 year history of Zen Commuter. So thank you all for your patience and understanding. I can’t think of a better topic to talk about on my return, than Tonglen Meditation. Today I read an article that talks about how we can reduce our fear of suffering by engaging in a meditation practice that has us voluntarily taking on the suffering of others.

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Thom WaltersComment