1724: Look Back to See Where Your Focus Is

How we see our life, creates our life. Meaning, if we see our lives as painful, sad and sorrowful, then that is how we will continue to live life. Conversely, and wonderfully, if we see life as full, loving and joyful, that too is what we will experience. So how do we know how we see the world? I have an exercise that helps with that very thing. Come listen.

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Thom WaltersComment
1723: A Plan to Quiet Your Inner Dialog

We all have an inner dialog; a worrisome voice that points out things to be afraid of, things to feel bad about. For some people it is just a whisper, almost silent. For others, many others, it is booming. Today CI5 is CI20, as I talk about ways to turn down the volume of that nasty voice.

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1722: What Truly Makes You Happy?

There are many days when you might wake up and simply slip into autopilot, not really questioning…anything. Not really looking at your life, not questioning where it’s going or what’s up ahead. Today I ask you a simple question, one that you may think you have the answer to. But before you say anything, I would encourage you to think a little deeper, looking at all the variables.

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