781: 3 Reasons Why Some People are Drawn to Drama

Yesterday I told you 4 ways to spot drama from a safe distance.  My goal was to help you stay away from situations that would drain your energy.  However, I did make another point that warrants repeating; we should never judge a book by its cover.  You should always seek to commune with people.  Be compassionate.  If there are people who are prone to drama, don't ostracize them.  Interact with them to hopefully help them see there are other ways to live.  With that said, do not jeopardize your positivity by condoning drama.  Today I talk about why some people enjoy drama.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • How some people use drama to silence their inner dialog
  • Why some Drama creators yearn for excitement.
  • How understanding your passion deactivates the need for drama

Links from the Episode:

6 Steps to Defuse a Drama Queen and Get Your Life Back


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