141: Updating Your Beliefs



All the things you believe in have rots somewhere else.  Your beliefs are borrowed from your parents, teachers or religion.  Most of us hold on to these beliefs regardless or not of whether we have tested them to see if indeed they truly are valid.

We stick to our principles even if in our minds we don't fully believe them.  Colin Wright, author of the article in today's podcast believes as i do, that many people don't wish to question their beliefs.  They either think it is unnecessary or it takes too much time.  Both are fallacies.

To continue to grow you have to forge new beliefs and continually test the ones you have to see if they are still valid.

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.
— Tony Robbins

Topics Covered in this Episode

  • Update on Zen Survey
  • The Lesson behind a possible Kickstarter Campaign
  • Thanks to those who reviewed the podcast on Stitcher
  • The ZEN commuter book club
  • Where your beliefs come from
  • Why people don't evaluate their beliefs
  • Why they need to evaluate their beliefs


ZEN Commuter Survey

Updated beliefs by Colin Wright

Kickstarter campaign

Journal Question

What is your most fervent belief?

Action of the Day

  • Start a conversation with a friend that questions your beliefs



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