Meditation isn't Just Sitting Around

How can just sitting around be beneficial?

We like to think that our thoughts are our own.  Hopefully, for the most part, they are.  However, for most people, their thoughts may seem like their own, but actually they are the thoughts and beliefs of others that they have claimed as their own.

For instance, depending on culture, you may take a shower every day.  Why?  Sure, it’s a habit, but where did that habit start?  It came from another source, possibly way back in childhood.  It was someone else’s thought first.  Your Mom, Dad or caregiver told you that it is hygienic and customary to take a shower every day, to be clean.  

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How Do I Stay Focused During Meditation

The most serving way to enter in to any meditation is without expectation.  Simply place the intention in your mind and in your surroundings, that you are going to spend time quietly, slowing yourself down.  I say this because the greatest deterrent for people starting meditation is the expectation that they will meditate “perfectly"; that they will not have rampant thoughts running through their minds.  It's all or nothing.  They will either have a successful session that leaves them calm and relaxed, or the session will be a waste of time because they can't corral their thoughts.

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A Five Minute Exercise to Begin Meditating

Forget about the Lotus Position.  Forget about quiet, robed monks in the Himalayas.  Forget about the trippy psychedelic images full of bright colors you see on web sites talking about energy, mantras and chakras.

You want to learn how to meditate so you can slow down your mind, live calmer and maybe even get some insight into how you can feel more self-confident.

I have you covered.  

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