Discovering Joy
How can I be happy? It's a question that many of us ask outright or subtly think about as we go throughout the day. The answer isn't far away. In fact, it's with you right now. It isn't a new job, a lottery win or even a new relationship. Happiness is you. When we commit to being happy it can be our way of life in even the most challenging times. It's because we create our happiness in difficult times and in joyous ones. In this book we will learn seven guidelines that will challenge our way of thinking but in the end will leave us discovering joy.
These pages will instruct you in bettering your ability to create situations that lead to an understanding of who you are, how you can be happy. You will learn who is already in your life that can teach you about finding peace of mind. Most importantly you will learn how you are attracting or repelling the life you wish to have.
From Losing to Living
The process of losing weight is simple. In From Losing to LIVING the steps to getting leaner are detailed simply. Meal Planning, healthy food options and basic nutrition are covered. But losing weight isn’t simply about a calculation, about science. It’s about desire and the value to lose weight. It’s about your desire to lose weight. For those looking to shed pounds the path to losing inches starts inside. Learn about the barriers that hold you back from the success you desire. Psychological barriers and well as nutritional barriers make the simple process so much more difficult. In these pages you will discover where your thoughts and behaviors are slowing down your success.
We are molded by society, by our family and by our peers to look a certain way. Often times the goal of weight loss is not our own. To that end our success too is limited because we don’t value the goal mirrored on television and in the media. By reading From Losing to LIVING you will complete some simple written exercises that will help you determine where your motivation is coming from, internally or outside. Lose all the weigh YOU want to lose by following these simple steps and uncovering how to safeguard your desire.
Today's success coaches like Robin Sharma, T. Harv Eker and Brendon Burchard agree that success comes from journaling. It comes from keeping a razor sharp focus on your goals. Thom Walters took this advice to heart and created the Goals and Gratitude Journal. He details how to help you find your goals and then stick to them by journaling them daily. Forward thinkers and motivators also speak of the power of gratitude. Along with goals you will be detailing the things in life you are thankful for having, being or doing. This 6 month journal teaches you the fundamentals of living a joyful and intentional life.